News from NECSLAB
August 7, 2015
PostDoctoral, PhD and MS Researcher Positions-I
PostDoctoral, PhD, MS Researcher Positions and Scholarships are available in the area of Dynamic Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks. Please see the details here.
August 7, 2015 (revised August 10, 2015)
PostDoctoral, PhD and MS Researcher Positions-II
PostDoctoral, PhD, MS Researcher Positions and Scholarships are available in the area of Distributed Group Consensus in Faulty Networks. Please see the details here.
August 7, 2015
RoboCup Small Size League (SSL) Project
Undergraduate and Grauate Resarcher/Team Member Positions are available. Please see the details here.
July 23, 2011
EE491 and EE492 Senior Design Projects
EE491 and EE492 projects are available for undergraduate students. Please contact Dr. Mehmet Akar for further information.